
Sunday, Funday!! Monday, Run-day!!

Yay! It's Monday (<--- dripping with sarcasm).

Anybody else out there feel this way?

I love Sundays in our house. They are almost always filled with church, fun, naps, TV watching, family movie time, and then more church :) Sunday nights seem to be more difficult....trying to get the kids back into routine after the weekend, and we usually end up with grief and complaining from both kids!

Then, come Monday morning, it's as if I have poured ice water over their sleeping bodies! They arise with contempt for me. Oh how I wish Monday mornings could go smoothly.

Shortly after Zoey has been shuffled out the door to catch the bus, Blake and I rush around (definitely his least favorite activity; he hates being rushed) to get out the door and head to Occupational Therapy. Most days, it's 3:30 pm, and I have absolutely nothing to show for my Monday. Mondays are an extreme waste to me. I would much rather sleep through them all and awake on Tuesday :)

We had a pretty typical weekend. Kevin and I attended our church's banquet honoring the volunteers who serve throughout the year, and I won a prize for a date night; movie and dinner!! Then on Sunday night, Zoey found out she was chosen as one of the speaking parts for the musical the kids choir will be putting on this spring. She was overjoyed! The look on her face was priceless. And it was Blake's first (and possibly last for awhile) attempt at kids choir. Personally, I just don't think he's ready for all the sitting, and focusing and paying attention :). And if you were a witness to the whole mess, then you know exactly what I mean!!

So now, it's gone well into Monday evening even though I had every intention to get this posted while at Blake's therapy this morning. I always start off with the best intentions :). There is a peaceful rain outside and I am enjoying it. It's relaxing me and helping to erase and wash away the stress from yet another Monday. Tomorrow is another day.....and I will arise tomorrow with hopes of a better day. We can only go up from here!!



amandamoo said...

I feel the same way about Monday - a whole lot of nothing accomplished and exhausting anyway. Hope today was much better!

Jennifer Thomas said...

Tuesday was a better day. I mean, it just doesn't get much worse than a Monday!!