

For those of you who know me really well, you know that one of my favorite phrases is "Seriously?!"  I tend to use it as more of an exclamation, even though I tend to say it like a question.  Which is why when I write I use both punctuation's :)

In the last 24 hours, I have had a few of these "Seriously?!" moments.  Every last Wednesday of the month, Bear (Zoey) has a half day at school.  She always gets to ride the bus to and from school (she loves riding the bus), and arrives home about 20 minutes before we have to leave to take Little Man (Blake), to school.  They attend two different schools because Blake is an Early Childhood Pre-School class, and that is not something that they offer at our district school.  Its a smaller class size, and he does really well in it.  He only goes for 2 hours and 15 minutes a day, but it is every day.  Its a wonderful experience for him.

But back to the last Wednesday of the month.  I love it, because I get two uninterrupted hours with my sweet girl.  Its our thing now to go to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and then run an errand.  Yesterday it was grocery shopping at Aldi.  I had taken my Household Binder with me to lunch so I could use my meal plan to make my grocery list (That thing is sooooo handy!!!  I totally recommend one for every mom!)  When I opened it up, I noticed in one of the pockets I had some printouts from the iMom website (a wonderful tool for moms) entitled Kid Conversation Starters.  I figured I would ask Zoey a few of this, to keep the conversation up while I was working on the list.  I started off with a few easier ones, and then I asked her to "describe the person you would like to marry".  I thought that would be a good, thought provoking one for her.  She giggled a little and acted kind of shy, but then said, hmm....let's see.

Here was her list: (and yes, I wrote it down on the back of one of my binder sheets)

1.  Believe in God (yes, that was her first answer, I almost started crying right there!!)
2.  Nice attitude, and treats me nice (good one Zo)
3.  Someone who is lovable (Huh?!  She better mean like a Teddy Bear!!)
4.  Someone who cooks (Wow, didn't see that one coming)
5.  Someone who changes diapers (Cause, she doesn't plan to)
6.  Someone like daddy (Awwww!!)
7.  Someone who prays

I have to admit, I expected a juvenile list, like someone who likes the playground and playing video games.  But I should have known better.  Bear is such an amazing 7 year old.  And its nice to have that affirmation....you know, the "Hey, maybe I am not screwing up this kids life" kind :)

So that was the first Seriously?! moment.  The second was this afternoon when I picked up Blake from school.  Thursday's are Library days for him, and they even let them bring home books.  Usually its something about cars, trains, or a Berenstain Bears book.  Today, I asked him about library, and if he got a book.  He laughed, and told me he had a surprise for me.  He said he got a spider book from the library.  He said Aiden (a boy in his class) had it last week so he got it this week.  I of course, assume he means Spider-man   So we get home, and as soon as we get in the house, he tells me again about his surprise book. I tell him get unpacked and hang your coat up and then you can show me.  He does, and then comes running into the kitchen with his book, and proceeds to shove a HUGE, HAIRY, tarantula into my face!!  Yes folks, my 4 year old son brought home a book filled with pictures of the things I fear most in the world.  My heart started racing, I screamed (okay, just a little scream), and Blake laughed!!  He thought it was hilarious   Which made me stop and think....he knows of my fear, and how I do not like spiders....so was this a joke he was trying to play on me?  Was this some premeditated thing where he actually thought, "hey, this would really scare the poop out of mommy"?  Cause if he did, then I have to smile.  Because it means that he was actually thinking about HOW I would feel about something, even if it was fear.  I still don't know the answer, but it really blows my mind!!

So I did what all moms would do (even those deathly afraid of spiders).  I stood far enough away and watched as he flipped the pages and talked about the taco spider (yes, it did sort of resemble a taco), and the pumpkin butt spider (yes, it had an orange butt) and the pumpkin face spider (guess that one got to close to pumpkin butt).

Wait, I hope this isn't becoming some thing he is getting into....remind me guys, if Blake asks for a pet spider one day, that it doesn't matter how much I love that kid....a spider would make it so that I can't even go in my own house!!  And yes my friends, THAT was my second "SERIOUSLY!!!!????" moment of the last 24 hours.  As I sit here typing, I know that book is in my kitchen.....and it's totally FREAKING me out!!  I will let you know if i make it through the night.

Jenn :)

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