
So, what is my part?

In this house, I have many, many hats.  Nurse, masseuse  chef, maid, chauffeur, banker,  etc.  At any given time, I could be wearing two or more at once!  Whomever says moms have no talent, is sadly mistaken :)  We have many!!

I often feel like I am in a secret play, and Blake holds the script.  He likes to play games where he asks a question, and then solicits a certain response from you.  You give him the correct, or appropriate response, however that is often times not the response he is looking for, and instead feeds you a line that he wants you to say.  He is forming his own cinema at the ripe age of 4.  Hmmmm.....wondering where his peak will be?!

However, he can get extremely frustrated with you if you do not know what response he is looking for.  Sometimes he could be asking about whether its raining or not, and when you tell him no, he promptly tells you that the obvious answer should have been yes, even though its a bright sunshiny day!  Actress in one of Blake's theatrics is by far the hardest hat I have to wear in a day.

There are days when I struggle to wear all my hats, to play all my parts.  And some days, I am playing parts that I do not have a script for, like in Blake's plays.  I barely make it through some days with any skin left on my teeth (I have no idea where that saying came from.....I mean, who really has skin on their teeth?!).  But at the end of each day, I am often forced to see where my blessings really are in life.  I have two amazing kids, who challenge me, and stretch me way beyond my comfort zone.  But who really wants to be comfortable anyway!  And don't even get me started on my husband....my amazing example of a man.  A man who truly loves me like Jesus loves, flaws and all.  A man who is gentle and forgiving.  One who compliments me in all the best ways.  We don't always have all the right answers, but we are forging ahead, trying to get it right.  Trying to figure out what works for our unique little family.

Last night, as I was massaging Blake with some lavender lotion (it really helps calm him down for sleep), Zoey asked if she could be massaged too.  I sometimes forget that my independent little thinker needs just as much attention, if not more, than Blake requires.  Its a hard balance.  One I still haven't quite figured out.....when am I smothering, when am I too elusive.  All I know, is that playing my part as mom, is by far the best part I have ever played.  And even though life around here can be cray cray, and overwhelming, it is my life.  My so very blessed life :)


A verse that I have been focusing on lately

Dear brothers and sisters,[a] when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

James 1:2-4

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