
When it snows, it sticks!!!

Today, our kids received their first snow day of the school year....in February!! Tomorrow has already been cancelled as well. We had sneet, then snow, then freezing rain. We watched out the window periodically as the many forms of cold and wet precipitation flew by the front picture window. And on TV we watched as they showed car after car stuck in the slushy stuff on the roads.

And all of this reminded me of Blake. Of his many layers and forms and how sometimes we as a family can get stuck, literally, in one area. But then suddenly, almost as if by blunt force, those built up layers are plowed away and what is left is a happy, smiling boy. How something as beautiful as snow can cause such a mess....how something like Autism can cause such a mess. But if the right tools are used, both messes can be cleared away.

I love when God uses things like snow to show me the bigger picture. To remind me what's under all those layers. Clean pavement to drive on, or a smiling boy to cuddle with.

Today was a rough day. Daddy stayed home too and after watching the reports of the roads across the river, it's a good thing he did. It's as if the kids know that we're all stuck together in this little snow globe and can't get out. So they walk (or rather run) around all day shaking up the globe until mommy and daddy are ready to break out the hammer and start banging their way out. Tomorrow will be more of the same....sensory overload for one child, and a non-stop firing squad of questions and stories from the other.

Yes, yes I love my children and yes they truly are my blessings!! But did I mention that I woke this morning with a full blown head cold?! Snow day and head cold, not such a good mix for mommy's nerves. I think I may need to have a heart to heart with God about that one later :)

And now, as the day is ending and the sun has set, a chill has settled upon the house....like one that can only come from a blustery snow storm. Oh wait, what's that you say? The furnace isn't working? Oh.

So, 3 out of the four seasons bring us this lovely line....When it rains, it pours. But only in winter can you truly use this one....When it snows, it sticks. And makes your house extra cold. And causes your furnace to stop working. And has your children acting like wild animals.

I used to love snow........

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