I made one small New Year's Resolution that I have already broken....point #1 as to why I do not make them in the first place. I resolved to blog more. And here it is ten days into 2014, and this is my first post.
Don't be off-put by the title. This is merely a walk through my mind and a recent conversation that I had with a friend on the topic of Evolution vs. Creationism. This friend is on the fence about some things, but is not a Pro-God Creationist.
So this whole thing got me thinking. There are so many flaws and missing links in the Theory of Evolution. And no, this isn't just my Creationist viewpoint talking. Its truth, and there are a lot of scientists out there who would agree. Case in point....Evolution is a Theory...not fact, not truth. Even when Charles Darwin came up with his theory, he admitted that there had been no transitional fossils found, but that he was sure that they existed and wondered why we do not find them in countless numbers in the earth's crust.
It should be no surprise to my readers that I am a Christian. I believe in the Bible, God's word, and everything in it, from beginning to end. So, In the Beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. That's it, right there. God created the Earth. Not a big bang, not superior intelligence from somewhere else in the galaxy, but GOD. And wait, I have proof :)
So many people like to ask the question Why? Why do people get sick and die, why does God have senseless tragedies happen? Why does my child have autism? Why? Why? Why? We can all trace this back to our Great-Grandparents to the 10th power (or something like that....Math isn't my strong suit). Adam and Eve were asked not to do something. Satan convinced them to do as they pleased, and enter sin into the world. This is all explained in the 3rd Chapter of the Bible....Three very short Chapters in folks, and there it is. The problem with the world today....SIN.
Because of sin, God no longer holds up his end of the Perfect World bargain. We have been given a taste of what life is like without God. Believe it or not, because of sin there are mutations in the population, harmful drugs or substances misused by parents that cause problems with future generations, harmful chemicals in the environment, leaders who inflict painful circumstances....and so on and so on. All of these things affect a person's way of life. These things didn't evolve. It was a choice that our creator gave us...to sin or not to sin.
No one wants to talk about these things. No one wants to admit that it is due to our selfish, sinful nature that the world is in the state it is. No one wants to believe that our loving Heavenly Father could be the reason behind this pain and suffering. But there is Hope. A wonderful Hope filled with peace and forgiveness.
This Heavenly Father, God, sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to this Earth so that upon his death, he would carry the sin of the world on his back. Its really quite simple. Believe that Jesus Christ is your savior, that he died so that you no longer have to suffer, ask to be forgiven and live your life following the Lord and spreading the good news. The reward will be a glorious place in Heaven when your time on this filthy Earth is through.
You will encounter pain, you will encounter suffering. But knowing that something better awaits us all brings a peace and understanding beyond any that you will find on your own.
So, why is my son Autistic? To be honest, I don't really care why. The only thing I care about, is how can we use his Autism to glorify God!!
Jenn :)
P.S. I invite anyone to comment on this post today if you have something to add, a question, or would even like a friendly debate :) But I will not allow harassment or bullying.
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