
Sometimes, all you can do is laugh :)

So, its been a VERY busy, and heart wrenching last few weeks.  We have been dealing with some extended family issues, and its definitely been taking its toll on my stress level!!  But through it all, I am trying to remain focused on me.  I cannot change others....I can only change myself, and the way I react in situations.  I am finding it is better to just LOVE in all things.  So thankful for a loving God who loves me, stains and all :)

Now on to my reason for today's post.  I was thinking today at how really amazing our God is.  I mean, I think that all the time, but I just had one of those WOW kind of moments.  He picked me to be the mother of Blake and Zoey long before he picked my mom to be my grandma's daughter and on and on.  He knew the difficulties I would face, and he knew that I would have a loving, generous man to face it with.  However, what really got me today is God's sense of humor!!  

Yes, you read that right.  I am, and always have been a spontaneous, fly by the seat of my pants, procrastinator.  And I certainly cannot be the only one out there!!  But the reason why this is so extremely funny, is because God placed two people whom I love with all my heart in my life who are the EXACT opposite....I call them strategically rigid.  (I am so coining that phrase!!)  They are my husband, and my son.

And this makes for a very....interesting....home life.  I am still trying to figure out how to be more structural for my son's sake.  I was never too worried about Kevin....he loved me stains and all just like God does.  I have shown him the Dark Side, and he likes it....sometimes.  But Blake, even though he loves Star Wars, not so fond of the Dark Side.  He likes the side with lots of rules and lights and everything in a straight line.  He'd make a really good Yoda.....

So every day, I try to bend him to my way, and every day we battle, because when I think I have prepared him enough, given him enough structure, he proves to me that its just not enough.  This little game we play is often time consuming and miserable.  But there are times, like now, when I can sit and see the humor in it all.

Touche God.....touche.

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