
What I wouldn't do for you.....

This last week has been one that I have feared for quite some time.  My dad warned me long ago, when we were just in the beginning stages of our little journey with Autism, that the insurance company would be a battle.  I don't really like people telling me no, and when it comes to my children, well, you just better watch out!

So upon finding out that our allotted therapy sessions were about to expire, my heart sank.  Its not even halfway through the year yet, and now we will be picking up Physical Therapy weekly on top of the Occupational Therapy.

So this morning, I put on my mommy armor, and called the insurance company (again).  I was prepared with friends support, prayer, and most important, a tenacious attitude.  However, the response I received was so unexpected, that it made me shed my armor almost immediately.  Here, on the other end of the phone, was a kind woman, who had all the answers and simply wanted to help.  One mention of the "a" word, and it was as if I had said the magic word.  She spit out a billing code and explained as long as that was used, no claims would be denied.  I think my jaw actually hit the floor.  I couldn't even figure out how to end the conversation, and I am sure that my numerous "thank you's" and "that's the best news" summed it up.

I now have new armor to wear, and it's a simple 3 digit code.  It doesn't mean that life will be peachy keen anymore, but just like with Blake and his "bag of tricks", I now have a new attribute to add to my armor.  And even though the answer was always there, I feel accomplished, successful and most importantly, like an advocate :)

There really is NOTHING I wouldn't do for my kids, even if it meant getting really angry with the insurance lady (which thankfully I didn't have to do).  Mamas, it is our job to help our children to be successful in this world.  We cannot, and will not be able to protect them from everything.  All we can do is show them the right way, pray for them every day, and hope that some of it sticks.  I want my children to know that this mama's love is never-ending!!